
If any actor or casting professional has a complaint against (observed or experienced) a member of the CDG or casting professional, please do not hesitate to contact us for support and guidance. Any enquiry will be treated with the utmost respect and in the strictest confidence.

Please note we can only respond to complaints made against a CDG member. If they are not a member of the CDG they fall outside our remit. The CDG is a professional and advisory body, not a Trade Union. The CDG does not employ casting directors and has no jurisdiction or legal powers, except over its own membership criteria, but will do everything it can to offer people in the industry support and guidance if they have a complaint against a CDG member.

Please fill out the form below with as much detail as you feel comfortable giving. If you do choose to remain anonymous (ie with no contact details given) please be aware that we will not be able to reply to you or find out more about your complaint.

For information on how your complaint will be handled, please read our full Complaints Procedure here

If you would rather make your complaint by email, contact our Chief Operating Officer (COO), Sophie Hallett, on

Alternatively, contact one of our Committee (

or our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Group (


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